
Friday, July 30, 2010


oh my God
very shock kowt
gila xsangka
dk form 5 skull aq taun nieh dh gila
xsmpi setahun g kes yg dulo
dh d kes baru g
hampir sme
involve the same teacher again
xtually kes terbaru nie
aq xtau r spe yg salah
spe mkn cili terasa la pedasny ea
aq just nk kuarkn pndpt aq
pape un kita nie pelajar je
cikgu ckp kita p un
xbole ke ko accept as cabaran
if she only says
you like a mangkuk ayun
everyone yg pnah belajar ngn dy pna kne
hai xpayah la involve parents
siap jmpe pgetua
request ckgu tu
request cikgu nie
sedarla kit
ko tu hanya seorg PELAJAR
ko jgn pk ko tu hebat
mntg3 ank org kaya
siap tulis mcm3
kutuk3 kat fb
eh hello kalo korg xlulus english
it's not bcoz of the teacher's
it's because of you guys
ok fine maybe she had hurt you
but you still a student
she still a teacher
ilmu yg u dpt dr dy xberkatla nty
u all msti pna dgr
once the teacher's heart broken
ur life in trouble
so think it back
kita nk pekse nieh
rstu guru un pntg gak
hai parents un satu hal
trus serang cikgu
ank ckp p trus cikgu yg disalahkn
nie la parents skrg
kalo parents dulo lg dy kapok kn ada la
aq bukan nk sokong cikgu nie lak
mmg r cikgu nie cre dy ajr
santai semacam
p ko kne terima la cre cikgu uh ajr
hai mcm3 kes
dh la
aq nk blajar
aq mls nk involve or
nk mik tau anything bout this
spe un cikgu english yg bakal kelas aq dpt
aq accept jela
face it
bak kata aja redha jela..
oh it's going a sad moment
for the changing teacher
whatever it is
budiman u all must accept it
i just wish to get others
then both of them
there are plenty of teachers out there
but what we can do
ikut jela ckp pihak pentadbir
mereka d kuasa di sekolah
manakala kami hanya seorg plajar
yg tiada pape kuasa un

p/s: kalo terasa i am very xpihak kat spe3 un k i'm on my own side

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