
Friday, July 9, 2010


why they done this towards me
oh my God
my heart so hurt you know
i got a heart broken so much
very3 much
apa lagi yg pompuan uh nk
mmg aq minx maaf giler3 la
td mmg aq ase rmi nmpk ketara giler
antara aq dan dia
aq dh xsgup
i can't stand anymore
she hurt me a lot
you hurt me also
how could you...
aq hampir giler td
member3 sume kutuk3 aq
diorg xphm gelora hati aq cne
diorg tau x aq dh hmpir nk gile nieh
diorg tau ke apa yg tjd sbnrny
she ruined my life
oh God!!!!
my bro help me.....
i just need a time
to be cold back
it's going to take long time
maybe a years
i can't forgive her back...
i become a crazy girl back.....
maybe this time i should learn
that he is not for me
i'm not suitable for him
oh dear
aq sakit sgt
hati aq cm dicarik3 tau...
now i know my friends feeling
i understand how he feel
when her friend betrayed her
go away you all from my life!!!!!!!!!
i don't need you anymore..
i hate you all !!!!!

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